Office of Developmental Disabilities Ombuds staff and advisory council members smile for the camera. Top row from left to right: Betty Schwieterman, Ky Ly, Tim McCue, Mike Raymond, Noah Seidel, Lisa Robbe. Bottom row from left to right: Jamie Kasinger, Tony Hall, Ros Damm, Sorretie Jaro, Willie Renee Medgard.

The DD Ombuds Advisory Committee is a group consisting of a supermajority of individuals with disabilities. They give feedback on the Ombuds’ work in the form of quarterly meetings and an annual report card.

The DD Ombuds will provide the Advisory Committee with detailed information about what they have done in the form of statistics and reports.  The DD Ombuds looks to the advisory committee for guidance on how well the Ombuds are doing and for suggested improvements.

Advisory Committee Minutes